Hybrid Solutionsis pleased to announce the new patch of VertexFX Bridge 10.3.5 with the followingfeatures and solved bugs.
New Features
- Updating BOAPI to the latest version.
- Changing the alert type when Bridge receives order for a new account.
- Ability toaccept/reject orders if there is no LPready for certain seconds, according to Time Out Settings(Login to your CUST AREA)
- Ability toload VertexFX Bridge 10.2 Settings&LP configuration.
- Improving order handling mechanism to reduce server overloading.
- Adding Datebase log.
- AddingHandleOrder method to VertexFX Bridge Language (VBL).
- Adding method ValidateBO to LP API.
- UpdatingMarketOrderAccepted state on LPAPI.
Solved Bugs
- Fixing a bug when the bridge tries to hold an order more than one minute.
- Fixing a bug when the bridge saves/loads files.
- Fixing a bug of the GUI when re-sizing the bridge
Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at support@hybridsolutions.com
Thank you.