Value | Identifer | Description |
1 | ACCOUNT_BALANCE | Real amount of money that the client has in his account. |
2 | ACCOUNT_CREDIT | An amount of money put to the account of a certain client in order to be a paid later. |
3 | ACCOUNT_PROFIT | The profit value that client gains respectively |
4 | ACCOUNT_EQUITY | This equals to Balance+FLT P/L + Credit. |
5 | ACCOUNT_MARGIN | Called also Margin Requirementwhich is the amount of money that can client afford in his account to buy 1 lot of certain currency. |
6 | ACCOUNT_FREEMARGIN | Called also Effective Marginwhich equals to Equity+marginReq |
7 | ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL | This equals to (Equity/MarginReq) *100% (The bigger number ,the better) |
See Also