Result |
The operation returns JSON object of type ClientGeneralParameterin case successfully otherwise an explicit error code is returned if the SymbolID is less than 0.
The following are the ClientGeneralParameterdata member.
- Result: the request general parameter result
- AccountIDSuffFix: the standard postfix for a certain account, value of type string
- AccountIDSuffFixFlag: To detect if the AccountIDSuffFix is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- AccountIDPreFix: the standard prefix for a certain account, value of type string
- AccountIDPreFixFlag: To detect if the AccountIDPreFix is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- AutoLiquidation: Boolean value, if true then when an account reaches to liquidation point all account open positions will close automatically
- AutoLiquidationFlag: To detect if the AutoLiquidation is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- CommType :the commission calculation type (Before/ after opening the positions). 1 means when open otherwise it means when close.
- CommTypeFlag: To detect if the CommType is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- DEmailStatement: Boolean value to detect if the daily email statement is enabled or not.
- DEmailStatementFlag: To detect if the DEmailStatement is inheriting or override, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- EnableHedging: Boolean value to detect if the hedge is enabled or not.
- EnableHedgingFlag: To detect if the EnableHedging is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- EnableInterest: Boolean value to detect if the interest is enabled or not.
- EnableInterestFlag: To detect if the EnableInterest is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- EnableMultiSession: Boolean value to detect if multi-session is enabled or not
- EnableMultiSessionFlag: To detect if the EnableMultiSession is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- EnableNews: Boolean value to detect if the news source is active or not.
- EnableNewsFlag: To detect if the EnableNews is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- EnableSMSAlerting: Boolean value to detect if the SMS alerting service is enabled or not
- EnableSMSAlertingFlag: To detect if the EnableSMSAlerting is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- EnableSMSScheduling: to detect if the SMS scheduling is enabled or not
- EnableSMSSchedulingFlag: To detect if the EnableSMSScheduling is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- GMTOffset: The value for the GMT offset
- GMTOffsetFlag: To detect if the GMTOffset is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- liquidationPoint: the value that the client liquidates on it.
- liquidationPointFlag: To detect if the liquidationPoint is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- liquidationType: 1 : means Equity
- 2: means margin level
- liquidationTypeflag: To detect if the liquidationType is inherited or override, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- MarginReqType :
1: means Compute one of two hedge position
2: Don’t Compute
3: Compute the two hedge
- MarginReqTypeFlag: To detect if the MarginReqType is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- MEmailStatement: Boolean value to detect if the monthly email statement is enabled or not
- MEmailStatementFlag: To detect if the MEmailStatement is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- PrivateSlideNews: The value of the private news
- PrivateSlideNewsFlag: To detect if the PrivateSlideNews is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- StatementFooter: the value of the footer statement
- StatementFooterFlag: To detect if the StatementFooter is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- StatementHeader: the value of the Header statement
- StatementHeaderFlag: To detect if the StatementHeader is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- ValidateMoney: The value of validated money
- ValidateMoneyFlag: To detect if the ValidateMoney is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited
- WEmailStatement: Boolean value to detect if the weekly email statement is enabled or not.
- WEmailStatementFlag: To detect if the WEmailStatement is inherited or overridden, 2 means Override, otherwise it is inherited