Getting Started
The easiest way to find out whatever you need to know about the smallest details on the web side is by going to the Help Menu at the Menu bar and choose Help Topics when the Help window appears, at the lower side of it there are the index links, and by clicking on the desired topic it will open for you.
When the Help window appears to you, you can go to the search tab and type-in the topic you want to know about in the text field then press Enter. So that all topics related to the word(s) you typed-in are listed and you can choose whichever suits what you are looking for.
Login to the system
Log in screen will require you to fill in a valid username and password or you can create a free demo account.
You can try our mobile trader for IOS and ANDROID by clicking on the icons on the top left.
And you can learn more about us by going to our Facebook or youtube channel.
If you don’t have real account on the system, you can open a demo account by pressing on the “Create demo account” button, a window as the following will appear to you.
To open a demo account fill all required fields with your personal information, but be sure to insert a valid email address, so you will receive the login information to the inserted mail, then press Submit.
When you receive the username/ password, use them to login to the web trader. Also you can use this login information to login to the client terminal.
See Also