Public function TradeVolumeIndex(ByRef Data As Database, ByRef Source As Field, ByVal Volume As Field, ByVal MinTickValue As Double, Optional ByVal FieldAliasName As String = "") As RecordSet
The Neural Indicator uses a neural network (an advanced form of artificial intelligence) to analyze non-linearity that may be hidden in technical indicators.
The Neural Indicator output most closely resembles an oscillator. Values may have a wide range and are seldom the same for each run through the neural network (due to random initialization) unless a very strong relationship between future price and the indicator being analyzed exists, or the network has been overtrained.
The NeuralNetwork class is different from other TA classes. This is not a standard technical indicator, but rather an advanced form of artificial intelligence. The NeuralIndicator function may take several minutes to complete, depending on argument values. LearningRate is a double value specifying the neural network learning rate (0.1 to 1+), Epochs is a long value specifying the amount of neural network learning to perform (1 to 32,000 500 or less is recommended), and PercentTrain is a double value specifying the amount of data to be used as an out-of-sample neural network training set.
Class: NeuralNetwork
Return Type | Return object of typeRecordset |
Default Field Name(s) | NeuralIndicator |
Public Sub main() 'Variables Dim _symbolInfo As VTLGeneral.CSymbol=ClientCode.GetSymbolByName("GOLD") Dim DB As New VTLGeneral.Database() Dim RecordCount As Integer Dim m_Recordset As VTLGeneral.RecordSet Dim _historyData As object() Dim output As String Dim Record As Integer Dim m_Date As VTLGeneral.Field Dim m_Open As VTLGeneral.Field Dim m_High As VTLGeneral.Field Dim m_Low As VTLGeneral.Field Dim m_Close As VTLGeneral.Field Dim j As Integer = 0 Dim i As Integer = 0 Dim _recordCount As Integer =100 m_Recordset = DB.CreateRecord m_Open = New VTLGeneral.Field m_High = New VTLGeneral.Field m_Low = New VTLGeneral.Field m_Close = New VTLGeneral.Field DB.RecordCount = _recordCount RecordCount = _recordCount 'Initialize Recordsets m_Open.initialize(_recordCount, "Open") m_High.initialize(_recordCount, "High") m_Low.initialize(_recordCount, "Low") m_Close.initialize(_recordCount, "Close") 'load high, low ,open and data _historyData = ClientCode.GetChartHistory(_symbolInfo.ID, VTLGeneral.ENUM_PERIOD.Day,VTLGeneral.ENUM_HISTORY_TYPE.HIS_HIGH, _recordCount) For i = 1 To _recordCount-1 m_High.setValue(i,_historyData(i)) Next _historyData = ClientCode.GetChartHistory(_symbolInfo.ID, VTLGeneral.ENUM_PERIOD.Day,VTLGeneral.ENUM_HISTORY_TYPE.HIS_LOW, _recordCount) For i = 1 To _recordCount-1 m_Low.setValue(i,_historyData(i)) Next _historyData = ClientCode.GetChartHistory(_symbolInfo.ID, VTLGeneral.ENUM_PERIOD.Day,VTLGeneral.ENUM_HISTORY_TYPE.HIS_OPEN, _recordCount) For i = 1 To _recordCount-1 m_Open.setValue(i,_historyData(i)) Next _historyData = ClientCode.GetChartHistory(_symbolInfo.ID, VTLGeneral.ENUM_PERIOD.Day,VTLGeneral.ENUM_HISTORY_TYPE.HIS_CLOSE, _recordCount) For i = 1 To _recordCount-1 m_Close.setValue(i,_historyData(i)) Next m_Recordset.addField(m_Open) m_Recordset.addField(m_High) m_Recordset.addField(m_Low) m_Recordset.addField(m_Close) 'NeuralIndicator indicator Dim _indRecord As New VTLGeneral.RecordSet() Dim _neuralNetwork As New VTLGeneral.NeuralNetwork () _indRecord = _neuralNetwork.NeuralIndicator(DB,m_High,14,0.5,5,60) For i = 1 To DB.getRecordCount output = output & CSTR(_indRecord.getValue(_indRecord.getName(1), i) ) & vbcrlf Next GUI.MsgDialog(output) End Sub
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