New Features
Password security level:
You can – from your server – define the password security level for your system to be one of these values:
Very weak, Weak, Medium, Strong, Very Strong.
Solved Bugs
- A bug when you receive a new order in transaction log screen when its already associated with an element of that object.
- When you change many symbols settings (change selected) and click submit, the market watch was flickering due to the refresh of the market watch many times. (solved)
- A bug where the client can take a position even if the symbol is unused using the drawn chart, now it will close all the drawn charts when the symbol is set to unused, plus it will put the symbol as closed when the symbol is unused.
- A bug where the sound for a new transaction in the transactions log screen will be played even if the transaction came from someone outside the requested node.
- Parameters Inheritance, a function bug on the database was solved. This issue was in inheriting the parameters.
- Amount column in statement was 0 (zero) for DP/WD/AJ…, all money transactions amount column in statement was shown as 0 instead of NULL value. (solved)
- A bug where the client can take two positions at the same time with the same money requirement, now we prevented clients from taking a second order until receiving the result of the first order.
Released On December, 30, 2010