What is VertexFX Mobile Trader
To Trade anywhere, anytime, and not to miss any trading opportunity, is one of the main trading needs. VertexFX Mobile Trader is the solution that enables clients to trade through their mobiles. VertexFX Mobile Trader is the mobile version of the three VertexFX Traders terminals, install it on your windows based mobile phone, and you will be connected to your account wherever you are.
With Light Data Transfer Technology, compressing outgoing and incoming data is taking place to allow you to connect to your mobile, to your Wi-Fi, WAP, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, 3G or 3G+ network, whatever your mobile supports, and whatever your mobile networktopography, you will be able to connect, Trade, with the minimum networking costs.
VertexFX Mobile Trader inherits all the trading security, Transparency, ease of use and availability from the main VertexFX Trader platform, to allow you always trade with no fear, trusting that everything will always be perfect.
Full market watch, Market orders, closing Market order, Limit Orders, Stop Orders, TP/SL orders are all available, with the ability to monitor your History, accounts summaries, and market news, are all available at your Windows Mobile supporting phone, so if you have a Windows Mobile Supporting Phone, do not hesitate to install the VertexFX Mobile Trader to it directly.
Why to use VertexFX Mobile Trader
As we have said previously, VertexFX Mobile Trader was built to complete the dynamicity chain of the VertexFXTrader, beside the VertexFX Windows desktop Application Trader, and the VertexFX Web Trader, here comes the VertexFX Mobile Trader. Now you can use the trader you need according to your situation, with VertexFX Mobile traders clients now can leave their offices, can go out for a holiday, can party and can relax, with no worries on their business, while it is at their hands, in their pockets, with their Pocket PC.
So use the VertexFX Windows Based Application if you are at office, and choose the Mobile Trader to trade wirelessly.
How to install VertexFX Mobile Trader
VertexFX Mobile Trader is shipped with two packages, one is MSI and the other is ZIP file, you can select what is the suitable one for you to use according to the following instructions.
If your PC is equipped with .Net Framework use the MSI File by Downloading your MSI Mobile Trader file, connect your Phone to the PC, and run the MSI, follow the wizard at your PC, then follow it at your phone, so you will find the VertexFX Mobile Trader available at your programs area at your mobile.
If your PC is not equipped with .Net Framework, and you do not wish to, then download the ZIP file, extract its content, and copy the output files to your mobile, run the cab files one by one, whenever anyone of them completed the wizard, and massaged you, Installation completed successfully then stop trying the others, it will be the compatible one to your mobile, then open the programs window at your mobile, you will find the VertexFX Mobile Trader available at that area. Click on it, it will run.
How to use the VertexFX Mobile Trader
By clicking to the VertexFX Mobile Trader icon at your programs screen window at your mobile, the Mobile Traderwill run opening the login window as a start if it is the first run and you did not sav
e any login information before, at the login window, an indicator for the internet will run, to test your internet connection in milliseconds, if you are not connected to the internet, then a red label will appear messaging Internet Connection is not established while this message is appearing, the login control button will be disabled, so check your internet connection and run the system again.
If no messages appeared, place your username and password at the appropriate places, and click login, the system will redirect you to the loading window, few seconds is separating you from the full login. When the loading bar is full, then the login process is now completed, the system will run the main window on it which is the Market Watch, you can see at the bottom the tabs of theavailable screens of the system, Account, Market Watch, Trade, Pending Orders, History, Alerts, and News.
Click at the accounts tab and check your tree, make sure you selected the needed account,if your tree only contains one account, then it will be selected automatically, simply select the account by a clicking on it.
Go to the market watch tab, you can see two parts, the market watch, and the selected account summaries, at the market watch area, you can perform a right click to see the available options; Trade Symbol, Limit/Stop Order, Move Symbol, Show Hide Symbols, Move symbols and show hide symbols is used to manage your perfect look to the symbols you need ordered by the priorities of your business, so you can hide a symbol, show a hidden symbol, and move a symbol down, or up in the table sorting.
By clicking in the Trade symbol, a screen will open, fill your order parameters, and click on the order type you want to perform (Sell or Buy), closing already open positions for this symbols or closing by hedge, will also be available at that screen.
Click also at the Limit/Stop Order to open the Limit Stop orders screen, also fill your parameters, and click New Order to apply.
Pending orders screen is available for you to monitor, cancel, or edit your pending orders, Trade window is for your open positions, right click at one of them, and you will find Close position, and Manage SL/TP options, click on the option you need, and follow the opening screen.
History tab, is for your old closed positions, all closed positions will be listed at that screen, right click to select the period in which you want to show such information.
Alert Tab, is to keep you up to date with the market movements, while you are outside, you do not need to stay busy, opening your mobile every five seconds, and see if some symbol hit some prices, so place your alert with the conditions you need, and with the moment comes the system will alert you with a sound to take action.
Here is a brief about processors and the cab files that work on them. Please read the following:
1.Devices with the ARM processor
Use this file ( ******_PPC.ARM.CAP )
Acer n30 Samsung S3C2410 266 MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
Acer n50 Samsung S3C2410 266 MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE
AudioVox 6600 Dalhart 400MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
AudioVox 6700 Dalhart 400MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Audiovox SMT 5600 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE for SmartPhone
AudioVox Thera ARM (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Dopod 577W TI OMAP 730 (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0 for SmartPhone
Dopod 585 TI OMAP 730 (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0 for SmartPhone
Dopod 818 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Dopod 838 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Dopod 900 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Dopod P100 Samsung SC32442X33 (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Dopod S300 TI OMAP 850 (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0 for SmartPhone
E-ten G500 Samsung S3C 2440 (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
E-ten M500 Samsung S3C 2440 (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE
E-ten M600 Samsung S3C 2440 (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
E-ten P300 ARM 200MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
E-ten X500 Samsung S3C 2440 (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX C5500 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX N 500/520/560 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX T810/830 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Hitachi G1000 ARM (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
HP iPAQ 1710/1715 Samsung S3C2410 203MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE
HP iPAQ 1930/1940 Samsung 266MHz S3C2410 (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
HP iPAQ 3410/3415 300MHz Samsung 2440 (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE
HP iPAQ 6165 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
HP iPAQ 6315 TI OMAP 1510 (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
HP iPAQ 6325 TI OMAP 1510 (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
HP iPAQ 6340 TI OMAP 1510 (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
HP Jornada 928 TI OMAP 710 @ 206 MHz (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
i-mate JAMin TI OMAP850 200 Hz (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
i-mate K-JAM TI OMAP 850 200 Mhz (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
i-mate Smartflip TI OMAP 710 (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0 for SmartPhone
i-mate Smartphone TI OMAP 710 (ARM) Windows Smartphone 2002
i-mate SP2 TI OMAP 710 (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 for SmartPhone
i-mate SP3/SP3i ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE for SmartPhone
i-mate SP5 TI OMAP 850, 200 MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0 for SmartPhone
Motorola MPx200 ARM (ARM) Windows Smartphone 2002
Motorola MPX220 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE for SmartPhone
Motorola MPx300 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Motorola Q ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0 for SmartPhone
Navman PiN 100 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
Packard Bell PocketGear 3025 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
Palm Z22 200 MHz ARM-based processor Palm OS Garnet 5.4
Palm TX Intel 312 MHz ARM-based processor Palm OS Garnet 5.4
Qtek 9100 TI OMAP 850 200 Mhz (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Qtek 9600 400 Mhz Samsung (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Qtek G100 Samsung S3C2440M 300Mhz (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Qtek S200 TI OMAP 850, 200 MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Samsung i300 ARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0 for SmartPhone
Samsung i600 ARM (ARM) Windows Smartphone 2002
Samsung i645 TI OMAP1610 (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Samsung NEXiO S150/151 ARM (ARM) HPC 2000
Symbol PPT8100 Intel SA1110 206MHz (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Torq P100 Samsung S3C 2440 400MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Torq P120 Samsung S3C 2440 400MHz (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Toshiba 2032 ARM (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
2. Devices with the STRONGARM processor
Use this file ( ******_PPC.ARMV4.CAP )
Asus A620 Intel StrongARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003
Asus A636 Intel StrongARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 5.0
Asus A700/730 Intel StrongARM (ARM) Windows Mobile 2003 SE
Asus AH100 Intel StrongArm SA1100 (ARM) HPC 2000
AudioVox 2032 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
AudioVox Maestro 1032 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Casio E200 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Compaq iPAQ 3130/3135 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Compaq iPAQ 3150/3155 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Compaq iPAQ 3630/3635 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Compaq iPAQ 3650 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Compaq iPAQ 3670 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Compaq iPAQ 3760 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Compaq iPAQ 3830/3835 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Compaq iPAQ 3850/3855 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Compaq iPAQ 3870/3875 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
HP Jornada 565/568 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 206MHz (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
HP Jornada 720/728 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 206MHz (ARM) HPC 2000
HP Jornada 820 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 190MHz (ARM) HPC Pro (ARM)
NEC MobilePro 300 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
NEC PocketGear Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Palmax PD60/600 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Samsung SPH i700 Intel StrongARM (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Siemens SX56 Intel StrongARM (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Toshiba Genio e310 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Toshiba Genio e550 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC (ARM)
Toshiba Genio e570 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
Toshiba e740 Intel StrongARM SA-1110 (ARM) Pocket PC 2002
3. Devices with the MIPS processor
Use this file ( ******_PPC.MIPS.CAP )
Casio BE-500 MIPS VR4121 (MIPS) Casio Pocket Manager
Casio E10,E11 MIPS (NEC VR4111) (MIPS) Palm-size PC 1.0 (MIPS)
Casio E115, E125, EM500 MIPS VR4121 (MIPS) Pocket PC (MIPS)
Casio E15, E100, E105 MIPS R4000 (MIPS) Palm-size PC 1.2 (MIPS)
Compaq Aero 1530 NEC VR4121 (MIPS) Palm-size PC 1.2 (MIPS)
Compaq Aero 1550 NEC VR4121 (MIPS) Pocket PC (MIPS)
Compaq Aero 2150/2180 NEC VR4121 (MIPS) Palm-size PC 1.2 (MIPS)
Compaq Aero 810c/2010c NEC VR4121 (MIPS) HPC 2.0 (MIPS)
Everex Freestyle 540 MIPS (MIPS) Palm-size PC 1.2 (MIPS)
Everex Freestyle MIPS (MIPS) Palm-size PC 1.0 (MIPS)
Fujitsu Siemens Intertop CX300/CX310 NEC MIPS (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
Fujitsu Siemens PenCentra 130/200 NEC MIPS (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
IBM Workpad z50 MIPS (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
NEC MobilePro 700/750 MIPS (NEC) (MIPS) HPC 2.0 (MIPS)
NEC MobilePro 770/780/800/880 MIPS (NEC) (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
NEC MobilePro PV-5000 MIPS 128MHz (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
Palmax PD131 MIPS (NEC VR4121) (MIPS) Pocket PC (MIPS)
Philips Nino 200/300 MIPS (MIPS) Palm-size PC 1.0 (MIPS)
Philips Nino 500 MIPS (MIPS) Palm-size PC 1.2 (MIPS)
Philips Velo 500 MIPS (MIPS) HPC 2.0 (MIPS)
Samsung eGO-note MIPS (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
Samsung Izzi Pro MIPS 3000 (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
Sharp Mobilon HC-4100/4500/4600 MIPS (MIPS) HPC 2.0 (MIPS)
Sharp Mobilon Pro PV-5000 MIPS (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
Sharp Mobilon Pro PV-6000 NEC VR4111 (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
Siemens SX45 MIPS R4000 (MIPS) Pocket PC (MIPS)
Symbol PPT2700 MIPS (NEC VR4181) (MIPS) Pocket PC (MIPS)
Vadem Clio C1000/C1050 MIPS (VR 4111/4121) (MIPS) HPC Pro (MIPS)
4. Devices with the SH3 processor
Use this file ( ******_PPC.SH3.CAP )
Casio Cassiopeia A11 Hitachi (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
Casio Cassiopeia A20 SH3 (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
Casio Cassiopeia A50 Hitachi (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
Casio Cassiopeia A51 Hitachi (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
Casio Cassiopeia A60 Hitachi (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
Casio Cassiopeia PA-2400 Hitachi 7709 (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
Casio Cassiopeia PA-2500 Hitachi 7709 (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
Compaq Aero 8000 Hitachi SH4 (SH3) HPC Pro (SH3)
Hitachi ePlate HPW-600ET Hitachi SH4 (SH3) HPC Pro (SH3)
HP 320LX (with CE2.0 upgrade) Hitachi SH3 (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
HP 360LX Hitachi SH3 (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
HP 620LX/660LX Hitachi SH3 (SH3) HPC 2.0 (SH3)
HP Jornada 420/430 Hitachi SH3 (SH3) Palm-size PC 1.2 (SH3)
HP Jornada 520 Hitachi SH3 (SH3) Pocket PC (SH3)
HP Jornada 540/545/548 Hitachi SH3 (SH3) Pocket PC (SH3)
HP Jornada 680/690 Hitachi SuperH SH-3 (SH3) HPC Pro (SH3)
LG Phenom Express SH3 100MHz (SH3) HPC Pro (SH3)
Palmax PD300 Hitachi SH3 (SH3) Palm-size PC 1.0 (SH3)