VertexFX SMS Server API is a .NET Class Library DLL that can be developed to be used in VertexFX SMS Central server application, in order to send SMSs using your own SMS provider.
All what you need is to make .NET Class Library project with a class name “SMSSending” that has public method, that needs your implementation:
Public Function SendSMS(ByVal pTo As String, ByVal pBody As String, ByVal pFrom As String) As String ' pTO: The mobile number ' pBody: SMS Body ' pFrom: The SMS sender ID as will be displayed in mobile SMS ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' Implement your SMS sending here '''''''''''''''''''''''''''End Function
After implementing this method you can build your DLL and load it in SMS Central using the settings, so the SMS Central will call this method to send SMSs.
To import your DLL file to your SMS central, access your server and from the SMS Central application go to Tools –> Settings.
Then from the settings window click on browse and choose the location of the SMS API DLL file and Save.
Last Modified: May 2014
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