The Mailbox is a communication service in the VertexFX system that allows the dealer to send mails to his Clients, Groups, and Offices. When the dealer selects a client, group or office and pressesRight Click–Mailboxhe will see the following options as in the following image:
Check Mail
Through this option the dealer can view the mails that he had received from other parties, here are the steps of how the dealer can check his mailbox:
Before choosing this option the dealer will have to select the first node in his accounts tree thenRight Click–Mailbox-Check Mail.
After that the dealer will have to choose the Mailbox tab in the bottom of the BackOffice platform.
3.From this window the dealer will be able to view all his mails on the BackOffice Platform.
Send Mail
From here the dealer may send a mail for a certain Client, Group or Office. Sending a mail will be through these steps:
1. Select the node of the person (client, group or office) who is receiving the mail, lets say here the client (ahmad) as in the following image:
After that the following window will appear to you, you can notice here that there are three buttons (Send, Discard and Close):
Send:You will use this button after you finish filling all the blanks on this mail window.
Discard:This button is to empty all the blanks of this mail window.
Close:This button is to exit from this window
Broadcast Mail to All
By this option the dealer will be able to send mails for all the clients, groups and offices inside the desiredselected node from the accounts tree.
A.To apply this option, at first select the desired node>Right Click>Mailbox>Broadcast Mail to
All. The following window will appear to you:
B.You will notice that the To blank is filled with all the Clients, Groups and Offices inside the selectednode, and you can erase any recipient in this blank if you dont want him/them to receive the mail.
C.After you fill all the blanks you can pressSend buttonso the mail will be delivered to the recipients.
Broadcast Mail to Offices
This option allows the dealer to send mails for all offices inside the desired selected node from the accountstree.
To apply this option, at first select the desired node>Right Click>Mailbox>Broadcast Mail toOffices. The Following window will appear to you:
You will notice that the To blank is filled with all Offices on the selected node, and you can erase
any recipient in this blank if you dont want him/them to receive the mail.
After you fill all the blanks you can press theSend buttonso the mail will be delivered to the
Broadcast Mail to Client/Groups
This option allows the dealer to send mails for all clients and groups inside the desired selected
node from the accounts tree.
To apply this option, at first select the desired node–Right Click–Mailbox–Broadcast
Mail to Clients/Groups. The following window will appear to you:
You will notice that the To blank is filled with all the Clients and Groups inside the selected node,
and you can erase any recipient in this blank if you dont want him/them to receive the mail.
c.After you fill all the blanks you can press theSend buttonand the mail will be delivered tothe recipients.